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  Blue Death Act

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Author Topic:   Blue Death Act
Ramses Viper
posted February 08, 2000 09:41 PM              Reply w/Quote
"This is a voice recording of a conversation between CoS Sithspawn and one of his agents on the recent apparent shut-down of the training facility on Erewhon. Here is a written transcript. Everyone listen carefully, I'll want opinions and suggestions when we're done." Sesswanna said sullenly to the men seated in the conference room; Viper, Athran, Crysus, and Sithspawn. Lt. Col. Luuke was still unacounted for.
"Play the recording." said Sythspawn

Agent: I'm now twenty meters from the training complex.
Sythspawn: Hold position, what do you see agent**Deleted for security reasons**?
Agent: The lights are on, but I'm not detecting ANY living life forms.
Syths: Proceed with caution agent**.
Agent: What the hell? Looks like some sort of...(gurgling forced noise) blue...(thud)
Syths: Agent**? Agent**! Respond.

"At that point the signal was totally lost." Sesswanna said softly. "Now, let's get working on this." his voice grew more forceful, as if he had full faith in his High Command, "First off, what does everyone make of the "blue" line near the end?"
Athran spoke first "It could be some sort of assasin dressed in blue and in anti-sensor equipment."
"But the agent seemed to be choking, and quickly, it wasn't quite suffocation, too quick for that. Possibly some sort of blue gas?" said Crysus.
Syths spoke up "He would have been able to see a gas coming though, nothing diffuses that rapidly."
Everyone was silent at that. Finally, Viper who had been scribling down apparent gibberish in his horrible handwriting the whole time spoke up.
"It was a death ray. Probably killed him through targeting his heart and blowing it up."
"Viper, that is simply proposterous, everyone knows death rays are impossible to create, it defies biology and physics." said Sesswanna
"It's the only solution, however improbable, it must be the correct one . The lights were on and no one called an alarm, therefore death happened quickly and it took everyone nearly simultaneously." Viper replied.
"Let's get a few more minds in on this, alert the High Council." Sesswanna said without comment on Vipers theory into his comlink.
Add on to this as you wish, but please don't write yourself into the plot unless it is important that you be there, not everyone is involved in EVERY crisis the Vast Empire has.


General Ramses Viper
Executice Officer of the Vast Empire Army
Scourge of the Erewhon System
Keeper of the sword Gamdring
Servant to the dragon Smaug

XO/SM Ramses Viper/HCA-2/ISD Nemesis

--Cool Like Ghandi--



Posts: 189
Registered: Sep 2000

posted February 18, 2000 02:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spartacus   Click Here to Email Spartacus        Reply w/Quote
Then Spartacus walked into the scene . . .

hehe, j/k :P

Somehow your story reminds me of a short 1930s radio shocker called, "The Dark" where two men in an ambulance respond to call from a house and .... Hmm. Anyway. If I was not so tired I would add onto your story

[This message has been edited by Spartacus (edited 18 February 2000).]



Posts: 189
Registered: Sep 2000

posted February 19, 2000 02:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spartacus   Click Here to Email Spartacus        Reply w/Quote
"Maybe we should only tell Majere rather than the entire High Council . . . " Sithspawn muttered.
"What!?!," Viper interjected, "And tell the rest of the High Council that the stormtrooper died by accident? They never would believe that!"
"So what?" Sithspawn said, "It is a High Council kind of a lie. That is when the other person knows you are lying, and also knows you know he knows."
"But you are not on the High Council . . ." Sesswanna pointed out.
"That is besides the point," corrected Syths, "The point is that it would throw them into a panic. What if the public was alerted? The entire idea of a mysterious gas or perhaps a death ray . . ."
"I thought we said Viper's theory was out of the question," argued Crysus, swatting vainly at a Lornian fly buzzing around his head.
"We cannot dismiss the theory," Viper began, "We have to face the fact that the body of the trooper was not found. Only a death ray would disintegrate it."
"Well, that would not have caused the massive ammount of blood on the floor. That leads either two theories: either an assassin cut him up then carried off his body or the trooper had some meat for dinner and likes to do his butchering twenty meters from the training complex," Sithspawn articulated.
"That is so funny I forgot to laugh," sneered Viper, "Show some respect. This is the life of a servant of the Empire we are talking about here."
"So what?" Sithspawn said, taking a flask of Gamorrean Grog out of his pocket and swigging it, "I am not paid to show respect; I am paid to get rid of people who are threats to the Vast Empire and get rid of their corpses as quick as possible."
"Who exactly have you gotten rid of?" Sesswanna inquired intently.
"That is none of your business," Sithspawn vocalized.
"Supposing I make it my business . . . " Sesswanna checked.
"You wouldn't like that, the pay is too small. And too small to worry about the murder of one insignificant trooper."
"Did the trooper have a wife?" Crysus asked.
"Alright, I am sorry! I should have not said he was insignificant! I realize you all value every precious little humanoid life-form!" Sithspawn spat, corking the flask and placing it back in his coat pocket, "I am a very insensitive person! You do not have to rub it in!"
"Well, did he have a wife, though?" Crysus persisted.
"Look here," Sithspawn fumed, gripping Crysus' tunic by the collar, "I apologized, okay? Get off my back!"
"I meant perhaps we could inquire from the wife if the trooper had any people who would want to kill him . . . " Crysus explained.
"Is it rather odd that we, the Vast Empire Army High Command, are concerned about the murder of a mere one stormtrooper who is apart of the thousands of men under our command? This could be a just common murder!" Athran pointed out.
"What the name of a gundark are you doing here? You are wrecking the entire plot!" Sithspawn said shoving Athran out of door of the shabby office, "You are not in Army High Command anyway! Get your ugly mug out of my office!"
Sithspawn turned momentarily, "Now. Where is Lieutenant Colonel Luuke for palpatine's sake? He is the Commander of Training; the murder happened right in his jurisdiction."
"Perhaps he has gone fishing," suggested Crysus, "The ammount of stress of being on the Army Command staff is rather high . . . "
"Yes," Sithspawn spoke as he moved again towards the door, "Playing solitaire in your office twenty-four hours a day and having the assistants do your work is rather stressful . . ."
"I resent that!" Crysus protested, "You have very bad manners, Brigadier General!"
"I know I do," Syths replied indifferently as he opened the door of his office, "Believe me: I grieve over them every night on those long winter evenings."
The Commander of Security beckoned to the stormtrooper guard outside the door, "Sergeant Tee Jay!"
A timid stormtrooper clattered over.
"Yes, sir?"
"Take your squad . . . " Sithspawn began.
"I do not command a squad, sir. I am a trooper in the Screaming Wookies . . ."
"Don't you dare contradict me, stang it!" Sithspawn bellowed, "Go find Lieutenant Colonel Luuke, wherever he is. I don't care if he is in his bath-tub, take the Screaming Bookies and get him over here!"
"Er, Screaming Wookies, sir. But I could take them along . . . " Tee Jay stuttered.
"Don't start commanding me to do things, alright?" harshly chided Sithspawn.
"I was not command you, sir, I was just suggesting . . . "
"Whatever!" Sithspawn yelled, his face flushed, "Just go get him!"
"Yes, sir." Tee Jay clattered off in his white armor.
Sithspawn shook his head as he shut the office door, "Stang it all. I am starting to sound like Kittilix."
"What do you plan to do, general?" Sesswanna asked, rounding Sithspawn's rank.
"I guess I am going to go visit this wife of this trooper. I do not think Luuke will be found for quite a while . . . "
"What is the deceased troopers name anyway?" Sesswanna interupted.
"Angus Payne."
"Odd name," Crysus mused "Then again what is in a name? Not hand, nor foot, nor heart nor any other part of a man . . ."
"Shad-up. Enough with that kind of jibberish, if it ain't rap it ain't worth listening too. Anyways, I am going," Sithspawn said abruptly, putting on his coat then jerking Crysus out the door with him, "And the poet can keep me company in the case he has to stop a slug for me."

I was bored and decided to write a lot of dialogue, hehe.Spar

[This message has been edited by Spartacus (edited 19 February 2000).]



Posts: 189
Registered: Sep 2000

posted February 20, 2000 03:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spartacus   Click Here to Email Spartacus        Reply w/Quote
A C T - I I I


"How do we know where this Mrs. Angus Payne lives?" Crysus asked, as he and Sithspawn sat in the back of a racing taxi speeder.
"I typed Angus Payne's name into my datapad," Sithspawn explained, eyeing the female taxi driver, "It gave me the street address."
"Blistering blue barnacles!" Crysus gasp, as the speeding taxi speeder swerved to miss another vehicle.
A few moments of silence passed.
"So do you know any good jokes?" inquired Crysus, disturbed by the silence.
"No," barked Sithspawn.
"Okay," Crysus thought momentarily, stroking his unshaven chin, "How about . . . 'What do you get when you play a Tattooine country song backwards'?"
"How should I know," Sithspawn mumbled with disinterest.
"You get your speeder, your bantha, and your girlfriend back! Hahahaha."
"Hilarious," Sithspawn remarked, clearly not amused.
A few more minutes of silence passed.
"How about this one," Crysus started up again, "A man said, 'I think, therefore, I am.' Then he took a walk and he bumped into someone and he said, 'I am sorry, I didn't think!' and *POOF*! He disappeared!"
"Now where in the Sesswenna system did you get that one from?" Sithspawn said gazing out the window of the taxi speeder.
"Threeof4 told it to me."
"Oh," Sithspawn thought momentarily, "Then I guess I had better laugh next time someone else tells it to me."
Another few minutes of silence passed.
Crysus face lighted up, "How about the one . . . "
Sithspawn jerked Crysus by the collar, "Look. Just shut-up or I'll knock ya cross-eyed!"
"Okay!" Crysus gasped when Sithspawn finally released his grip.

Sithspawn leaned forward, "This is it driver."
Both Crysus and Sithspawn exited the vehicle. Sithspawn leaned in the forward window to pay the driver, "How much?"
"Fifteen Imperial credits," the attractive female said, and took the credits Sithspawn handed her. She handed him a card.
"Here, this is my phone-number in case you ever need me to drive you anywhere again."
"Day or night, sister?" Sithspawn asked.
"Night is better, I work during the day," she responded as she drove her taxi speeder away.
The two men turned to gaze at the haunting house which lay before them.
"Blistering blue barnacles!" Crysus remarked.


* K N O C K * - * K N O C K *
A young woman answered the door of the house of Mrs. Angus Payne. Two men garbed in trench-coats stood outside. One, Crysus, timidly had his cap held humbily in his fragile hands while the other, Sithspawn, non-chalantly puffed on a corellian cigerette.
"Are you Mrs. Angus Payne?" Sithspawn inquired as he blew a puff of smoke.
"No, I am Miss Antionette Var . . ." the woman began.
"Then you ain't the dame," Sithspawn barked, turning to leave.
". . . but this is the residence of Mrs. A. Payne."
"Is she here at the moment?"
"She might be here," Miss Var replied cautiously, "What do you two big lugs want?"
"I'm a shamist," Sithspawn jabbed a thumb into his chest, then gestured at Crysus, "and this is my caddy."
"Shamist?" Miss Var echoed, "Well, you are not getting in with that story. You look no more of a holy man than . . ."
"I mean I am a private dective, lady."
"Oh," Miss Var hedged momentarily, "Alright. Come in."
Sithspawn swaggered into the house with Crysus hobbling in after him.
"Why is your face so ugly?" Antionette leered, looking intently at Sithspawn.
"Darth Vader beat me cause I wouldn't marry him," Sithspawn voiced, his lip twitching, "But what you see is nothing. I have a Twi'leki ballerina tattooed on my chest."
"You are not very tall are you . . . " Miss Var remarked, glancing at pale Crysus.
"I try to be," Crysus responded, trying to tilt slightly forward on his feet without being noticed.
"Really . . . . " Antionette said, moving seductively towards Sithspawn, "You're cute."
"Yeah; I am getting cuter every moment," Sithspawn growled, "Now where is this Mrs. A. Payne?"
"Thank you very . . ." Crysus began.
"Yeah, whatever, thanks a lot, ma'am," Sithspawn moved towards the stairs abruptly.
A terrifying shriek sounded from the stairs. Sithspawn lunged at top speed up the stairs while the curvacious Miss Var seemed to act as though she never heard the cry.


Sithspawn rushed to the top of the stairs and was faced with two doors. Chancing fate that whichever one he picked would be the correct one, he smashed one in with his massive bulk. A second shriek was heard from the shower-room he had now so rudely entered.
"Oh! I am terribly sorry . . ." Sithspawn vainly apologized, as a wet towel caught him in the face sending him backwards. He closed the little remnants of the shower-room door and burst into the only other room at the end of the stairs, "V.E.S.! Everyone freeze!"
An assassin clutched a vibroblade, with copious tentacles instead of arms, dressed in a dark navy blue stepped over the corpse of a middle-aged woman. Crysus entered the room behind Sithspawn, "Blistering blue barnacles! Its the blue blister! I mean the blue barnacle! No, the blue assassin!"
Sithspawn automatically pulled out his heater, er, I mean his blaster, and aimed it at the blue goon, "Alright, put 'em up! I eat Lornian squid everyday for breakfast so don't think I ain't scared to take you on!"
The assassin turned, clearly unintimiated.
"What do you want me to do?" Sithspawn yelled, holding his blaster out at arms-length, "Count to three? Just like in the holo-movies?"


Hehe. Viper is probably like, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY STORY!?!?", hehe.
I think I am so bored and tired that I lost the Star Wars angle and have gone into ...Ok, enough for tonight. You will have to wait for the next thrilling chapter of this ripped off, 1930s film noir!

[This message has been edited by Spartacus (edited 20 February 2000).]


CoS Sythspawn
posted February 21, 2000 12:40 PM              Reply w/Quote
As Sithspawn stared down the barrel of his Blastech DL-44 at the Blue Assassin, he chuckled at the irony presented by the current scenario. It looked as if the assassin had interrupted the corpse during it's unexpected last meal.

Staring at the package on the table, Crysus walked over, picked up the bag of fast food, and perused it's contents.

"Big Kahuna Burger. That's that Hawaiian burger joint. I heard they got some tasty burgers. I ain't never had one myself, how are they?" queried Crysus.

The Assassin cocked it's head in confusion.
Crysus pulled one of the burgers out and took a bite.

"Uuummmm, that's a tasty burger. Siths, you ever try a Big Kahuna Burger?"
"No" replied Sithspawn, tightening his grip on the blaster.
"You wanna bite? They're real good." countered Crysus.
"I ain't hungry." replied Sithspawn, his instincts telling him to blow the blue thing in front of him away.

"Well, if you like hamburgers give 'em a try sometime. Me, I can't usually eat 'em 'cause my girlfriend's a vegetarian. Which more or less makes me a vegetarian, but I sure love the taste of a good burger. You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in France?" drolled Crysus.
The assassin shook it's head.
"Tell 'em Siths." said Crysus.
"Royale with Cheese" replied the Commander of Security.

Turning back towards the Assassin, Crysus smirked and attempted to divert the creature's attention from Sithspawn.
"You ever read the Bible, ya blue hunk 'o gunk?" asked Crysus.
The assassin shook his head, indicating a negative response.

"There's a passage I got memorized, seems appropriate for this situation: Ezekiel 25:17. 'The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you.'" replied Crysus.

"Amen Reverand" taunted Siths with an obivous tone of sarcasm.

Crysus whipped out his blaster and fired into the assassin in unison with Sithspawn.

As the Assassin gasped, then slumped to the floor, Sithspawn chuckled.

"Something funny?" inquired Crysus.
"No, just musing, Herr poet." replied Sithspawn.
"Good, now let's go interrogate that chick downstairs, she's obivously in cahoots with our blue buddy here." said Crysus, gesturing to the second corpse on the floor.
" we have to? She's just a girl, harmless really, and she's cute at that. Why don't we...erm...investigate that shower again?"
"No Siths, you pervert, we've got work to do" replied Crysus
"Bah....skank superior officers never let ya have any fun these days, and what was that girlfriend crap? You been consorting with Athran and Strohs again?" mocked Sithspawn.
Crysus frowned, snapped his blaster up, then regained control of his temper.

"You really need to lay off the drugs Siths."

There's your plot twist.....:P

Commander of Security,
Colonel Sythspawn



Posts: 93
Registered: Sep 2000

posted February 22, 2000 09:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Crysus   Click Here to Email Crysus        Reply w/Quote

As the two men began there walk down the stairs, Siths momentarily paused for one last glance into the shower room. The old steps of the building creeked as the two darkly-clad men lumbered down them. Miss Antionette Var sat at a table in the kitchen, with her legs crossed, as well as her arms. She blew out a large puff of smoke as she stood up.
�I�ll expect payment for any damage done.� She said while tapping her foot.

�And you�ll get it.� Replied Siths.

�Won�t you sit down.� Asked Crysus as he moved to pull out her chair.

Miss Var sat down, and began to once again puff on her cigarette. Her eyes began to trace Sith�s body, and he soon shifted his weight, and adjusted his belt.

�What is your relationship with Mrs. Angus Payne?� inquired Siths.

�Elaborate on �relationship�.� She said as she cocked her head to the side.

�We don�t care about your personal relationship with her, miss, we just need useful information.� Said Crysus, trying not to blush.

�In that case, I might as well tell you all about her, and while I�m at it, I�ll just tell you about the organization that she -----�

A red blast ripped through Miss Var�s mid-section. Her head then slumped onto the table in front of her.

Crysus and Siths drew there blasters and hit the ground. The over-turned the table and did some nifty military-like actions and finally yelled �Clear!� in unison.

�I guess we won�t get any information from her then.�

�Shaddup Crysus.�

Meanwhile, back at Army Headquarters�.

�Sir, we haven�t heard from CoS Sythspawn or CoP Crysus in quite some time.� Reported Athran.

�Drat, double-drat.� Sesswanna said as he began to pace the room in the same line he always did when he began to think. �First all these computer problems, all the paper work, and now THIS�. I don�t know if I can handle this.�

�Sir, would you like some water?� Athran suggested as he moved closer to the General.

�No thank you. I wet the bed easily, I have to stick to dairy products.�
�I need all the information you can get me on the last whereabouts of Crysus and Siths.� Order Sesswanna.

As he unwinded his spiel of orders, Crysus and Sythspawn emerged in the room.
The rain was still dripping off their coats as they took their seats.

�What do you have to report, gentlemen?�

�Well sir, it seems that we have found the �blue death� that was plaguing our interests.� Reported Siths.

�Yes, it seems that it was an assassin, dressed in blue, not quite a baby-blue, but more of a navy-blue� but not quite dark-blue, but more��

�Shaddup Crysus� pleaded Siths.

�We managed to take out the assassin, but when we went to question one of the girls at the apartment, another assassin took her out. She mentioned something about an organization that the wife of the deceased trooper was working for.� Informed Siths.

�Hmm� I was hoping it wouldn�t come to this.� Said Sesswanna as he stood to his feet, stumbling briefly as he adjusted to his high-heeled boots. �I guess it�s time I tell you about the�. �Big Secret Blue Project Thingy.�

The room filled with silence as Sesswanna began to unravel the information�

Add on as you like, just be sure to include the information that Sesswanna is giving...

Brigadier General Crysus
Commander of Personnel
*Vast Empire Army*
CoP/BG Crysus/HCA-3/Erewhon/VEA



Posts: 165
Registered: Sep 2000

posted February 25, 2000 12:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Majere   Click Here to Email Majere        Reply w/Quote
High General Sesswanna briskly walked down the long corridor to Field Marshal Majere's office, "Damn those fool pirates. If they weren't stupid enough to breach the palace security I wouldn't have to walk so damn far."

After another hour of walking and passing through security; General Sesswanna finally came to the Field Marshal's Office. Two Imperial Troopers clad in Royal Guard uniforms stood guard when the General approached. "You will let me pass. I need to see the Field Marshal immediately," commanded Sesswanna.

"No you won't sir, you will have a seat behind and you wait until he is ready,"said the unknown trooper.

Quickly getting mad, Sesswanna tried some force techniques to convince the troopers to allow him to pass, "General, if you try that childish force nonsense again I will arrest you. Now sit down and wait until you are announced!" said the Royal Guard calmly. Sesswanna knew that the Field Marshal's protective guard was highly trained but these new troopers can easily block the force? Sesswanna definately wished that he had the time to investigate this further.

Meanwhile inside of the Field Marshal's office....

"Thank you Three, this new equipment that you have sent to me is gonna increase the security in our sensitive areas ten fold. Anyway, I have a High General outside of my door so I better let him in. Thanks again, Majere out."

Majere then clicked a button on his desk, "Let the High General enter." It was only a few moments later that Sesswanna entered the office, and saluted the Field Marshal. Majere returned the salute, "I take it that this is about the urgent message you sent me earlier? Sit down General so that we can go over the details."

A couple of hours later Field Marshal Majere and High General Sesswanna was back on their way to the Erewhon System in the SSD Mustang. "I know that you are conserned for everyone under your command sir, but really. We can take care of this ourselves," urged Sesswanna. After not getting anywhere, Sesswanna left the Field Marshal's office and headed to his own Jedi Knight quarters to work on his admin work. Sesswanna knew that the Field Marshal was a hard person to understand, and he did tend to stop everything to concentrate on something. However, he has never stopped everything for the death of one trooper.

General Sythspawn stood at the viewport looking outside, "I am the last Intelligence Director in the Vast Empire and I still cannot get access to that blasted boat. You would think that a High Command officer would at least be able to board it." Sythspawn grabbed another drink while thinking about his past attempt at trying to board the Mustang. He finally decided to join the Dark Jedi, which he probably overstepped his bounds. He thought about the humility of failing his Phase I training, completely eliminating his chances of getting access to the SSD Mustang or even the Palace on Lorn 4. Sythspawn took another drink and almost spilled it on himself when the door to his office suddenly opened up, "What the..I thought I said nobody is to..." Suddenly the Sythspawn's office was full of Royal Guards, 1 High General, and 1 Field Marshal. "Ahh, good to see you again Sess and Majere," smiled Sythspawn. Field Marshal Majere walked up to Sythspawn and through the use of the force, forced him to sit down, "First you will address your superior officers the way you are supposed to." Majere then grabbed Sythspawns drink and tossed it in his lap,"Then you will go home. I will not have my officers drinking while on duty. No more of this frequent breaking of the Vast Empire Code of Conduct. Either my officers shape up or I will fill the hangers full of Tie Droids as well as the new Tank Droids that I am also having our Engineering Corps research. Do I make myself clear Brigadier General Sythspawn," angrily questioned Field Marshal Majere. "Y-yes sir. I will leave at once sir," said Sythspawn as he tried to get up. After realizing that he could not get up just yet he asked, "Is there something you need of me sir?" "Yes, lets go over this current problem that we have. I want to test out a new detection device that our friends in the Engineering Corporation developed. It can fit under your clothes, and not only will it protect you from minor ion and blaster blasts. Say from a small hand gun, but it will also tell you where it came from when you connect it to a datapad." Over the next few hours High General Sesswanna, Brigadier General Sythspawn, and Field Marshal Majere discussed in detail exactly what went on, and how to go about capturing this new threat.

"Now gentlemen, you have your orders. I want these devices installed in the areas that I have described around the base. Once Sythspawn returns tomorrow I want you to put this device on him and have him re-visit where the murder took place. If you need me I will be in the Mustang heading to the Devastator. I want to inspect the officers on board there as well," Majere commanded as his staff filed out of the office.

Caramon Majere, Field Marshal, Vast Empire
Head of the High Council
HHC/FM Majere/HC-1/SSD Mustang/Lorn4


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